ini kisah hantu di opis that i hate most.
*to my beloved dearest colleague/ex-colleague who read this blog, i think u guys already know bout this hantu and i know sum of u are really close, whtever i wrote here is a part of ketidakpuashatian yg berbuku2. so please dont take too personal, nak story kat dia its up to u, but if ada pertumpahan darah berlaku after this jgn salahkan aku. im warning u... uhuhu hah takut takut
oke, this is not the first time, ramai yg kata that im so unprofessional. ada aku kesah?. korang baca korang nilai. lu fikirlah sendiri bak kata Nabil (cantiknya Irma rambut pendek, abes lah Farid Kamil mcm gila meroyan)
kisah bermula dr email xx ini;
Dear all,
Printing date: 24 April, 2009
Require the following materials:
ARSA: Profile & Adv (Juon & xx)
Heitech: Profile & Adv (Juon & xx)
PAC: Submitted
Floor plan and booth allocation: Juon
Welcome note and country report: xx
Speakers profile and agenda: xx
Me - Noted! Please give me all material latest on 20th April 2009utk memastikan keje aku siap last friday aku send email ini as reminder:
ARSA: Profile & Adv (Juon & xx)
Heitech: Profile & Adv (Juon & xx) - profile YES - advert NO
PAC: Submitted
Floor plan and booth allocation: xx
Welcome note and country report: xx
Speakers profile and agenda: xx
few minute later i got this email frm Juon:
S:\xxxx - Ballroom.BMP
S:\xxxx - Foyer.BMP
kemudian berbls email la antara aku dan Juon siap CC kat xx:
Me-Can we have proper floor plan with the sponsor booth allocation? See Singapore and HK events as referral.Juon-Not every hotel can produce exactly what you want. Please refer to last year's Jakarta guide - xx did the floorplan.Me-Im not asking hotel for do it for me. I just wanted to know sponsors booth allocation so that I can label it on the floor plan.xx,please help me on this. I think she not understand what I meanJuon-Yes, I didn't understand as I'm not directly involve in conference guide. xx is the right person you should refer to. Thanks.Me-Don't get me wrong. I was only asking xx to help me explain it to you since you are the person in charge of the Jakarta floorplan.kalau korang kat tempat aku, ada rsa nak bunuh diri x? lu fikir la sendiri. tahap sabar aku mmg senipis kulit bawang tp megenangkan kalau aku bebising pon ATM bukan ada kesah (kena coke kangkang kot) jadik aku layan ja la smpi hati aku cedera parah agak2 nanti dh smpi tahap nak masuk ICU, gua bg ja la resign later. senang.